Otvorena je online izložba fotografija „Glazba: ogledalo osjećaja“
Treći dio projekta u suradnji s Udrugom „Zdravi i lijepi“ je tu! Počela je online izložba fotografija zabilježenih na koncertu na kojem je prije nekoliko tjedana svirao i pjevao lokalni bend Ad Hoc u Domu za starije osobe „Park“. Kao i raniji dijelovi ovog projekta, fotoizložba nastoji pokazati dobrobiti slušanja glazbe na primjeru naših sugrađana.…
Pročitaj višeKoncert mladog benda Ad Hoc u domu za starije Park
U sklopu projekta “Glazba: ogledalo osjećaja”, mladi bend Ad Hoc održao je koncert u domu za starije Park ovoga petka. Jednosatna svirka i izvođenje dobro poznatih domaćih uspješnica poslužila je kao pravi međugeneracijski događaj u kojemu su štićenici doma mogli uživati. Cilj tog koncerta je bio postići da se slušatelji što više opuste te da…
Pročitaj višeNagradni fotonatječaj u suradnji s udrugom Zdravi i lijepi
Povodom obilježavanja Svjetskog dana starijih koji se obilježava 1.10. udruga Zdravi i lijepi u suradnji s Zagreb Guitar Festivalom organiziraju nagradni foto natječaj na temu glazbe i zdravlja pod nazivom „Glazba: ogledalo osjećaja“. Cilj foto natječaja je osobama svih dobi ukazati na poveznicu između glazbe, zdravlja i osjećaja i na način kojim umjetnost može doprinijeti…
Pročitaj višeEuroStrings Artists to perform at Gala concert in Samobor
We are so happy to announce that this year Zagreb Guitar Festival is collaborating with Youngmasters Festival where EuroStrings Artists will play a special Gala concert. The concert will be held on Friday, August 27th in Samobor Museum Park.EuroStrings Artists Ozberk Mirac Sarigul, Francisco Luis, Bianka Szalaty and Jack Hancher, alongside Lovro Peretić will perform…
Pročitaj višeEuroStrings guitars in the garden: open-air concerts in Botanical garden
The second concert cycle at 7th Zagreb Guitar Festival will be dedicated to EuroStrings Artists, prominent young guitarists who are laureates of the prestigious European guitar festivals currently gathered around a first European classical guitar network – EuroStrings. Ozberk Mirac Sarigul, Francisco Luis, Bianka Szalaty and Jack Hancher will play open-air concerts on August 28th…
Pročitaj višeThank you for being a part of the first part at 7th ZGF
The first part of this year’s Zagreb Guitar Festival has finished with outstanding concerts from EuroStrings winner, Lovro Peretić and young Croatian band Ad Hoc. We are so proud that we were able to organize international competition and live concert this year that showed how music and guitar cannot be silenced even in the most…
Pročitaj višeStart of a new project called ZGF New Kids on the Block with young band Ad Hoc
Seventh edition of Zagreb Guitar Festival will be special for many things! One of them is our new project called ZGF – New Kids on the Block, whose main idea is to promote young and upcoming local bands and give them a chance to perform on our stage. With this project, young bands will be…
Pročitaj višeResults of the No age limit category
In these past four days, more than 80 guitarists from 17 different countries competed on the 7th Zagreb Guitar Festival competition. The cherry on top of this edition was No age limit category, whose Final round was organized and broadcasted tonight. We are excited to announce that Pavel Ralev has won the first prize! Luka…
Pročitaj višeAnnouncing the finalists in VI. category
Today was reserved for the competition in the first round of No age limit category. Since the majority of competitors were international, this round was organized completely online. Among all of them, only four competitors with the biggest scores will proceed into the final round. The finalists are listed in alphabetical order:– Dragos Ilie (Romania)–…
Pročitaj više5th CATEGORY RESULTS
Second day of the competition has come to an end. We concluded 5th category, and results are the following: We congratulate the winner, and the rest of the competitors for their great playing and amazing performances! After two exciting days at Croatian Composers Society, tomorrow we are continuing the competition virtually. From 17:00 (CET) watch…
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